Egreement Pro API documentation
With the Egreement Pro API you can create and manage digital agreements from your own application.
The API has been designed to make an initial integration as easy as possible while still maintaining a high flexibility and security. We designed the API based on REST principles and the JSON API specification. A notable difference is support for including multiple entities instead of making a call per entity.
The API accepts JSON in request bodies and requires that the Content-Type: application/json
header is specified for all such requests. The API will respond with an object where applicable.
Depending on context, resources may be returned as single objects or as arrays of objects.
The API supports Webhooks. It means that we are able to do an HTTP(S) callback to an endpoint of your choice each time an event occurs related to an agreement. Webhooks allow you to build fast integrations without the need to repeatedly poll for status updates.
In order to use the API you need to have an active account with API access.
We recommend you to explore our API, browse descriptions of the available attributes and see examples of working requests and responses. If you are using our API for the first time we suggest that you take a close look at the example requests for creating agreements.
Getting Started
Implementing the Egreement Pro API
The intention of this section is to provide a quick start, and some general guidelines for implementing the Egreement Pro API using a common use case, and a bare-bones example.
You will need an Egreement Pro account and API credentials prior to testing this.
Please keep in mind that this is a minimal bare-bones example. The detailed documentation will assist you in achieving more advanced use cases.
The use case
- A rental agreement (PDF) is to be signed by a private person (
Randy Rentee
) prior to renting digging equipment. - The agreement must be signed before the 1st of February 2022. Otherwise, it must be automatically expired.
- The private person must sign the agreement using Swedish BankID.
- The agreement will be created via your
Rental Application
(which you host). - The agreement must be accessible by multiple users who are active on the same Egreement Pro account.
- When the agreement is concluded upon signing,
Rental Application
needs to know about this in order to continue the process (e.g. making a reservation in yourRental Application
for the digging equipment).
Creating the agreement
JSON payload
"title": "Rental Agreement",
"expireOn": "20220131T230000Z",
"parties": [
"email": "",
"firstName": "Randy",
"lastName": "Rentee",
"signingConfigurations": [
"country": "SE",
"type": "EID"
"type": "PRIVATE"
"notifications": [
"recipients": [
"address": "https://your-app.your-domain/webhook-endpoint",
"medium": "WEBHOOK"
"type": "SIGNED_BY_ALL"
"attachments": [
"name": "rental agreement.pdf",
"type": "BASE64",
"category": "AGREEMENT"
"accessRights": [
"type": "GRANT_BY_NAME",
"actorType": "group",
"actorName": "Rental Admins",
"action": "read"
"type": "GRANT_BY_NAME",
"actorType": "group",
"actorName": "Rental Admins",
"action": "update"
"type": "GRANT_BY_NAME",
"actorType": "group",
"actorName": "Rental Admins",
"action": "delete"
In order to achieve the use case described above, an agreement named Rental Agreement
will be created. To
prevent Randy Rentee
from signing the agreement after the offer is no longer valid, the agreement will be expired at
midnight CET between January 31 and February 1.
As only Randy Rentee
will sign the agreement, his private person details are specified. So is the signature method of
Swedish BankID. A PDF file, which has been prepared in advance, is Base64 encoded and added to the attachment list.
To get to know when the agreement has been signed by all parties, a webhook notification is configured.
By default, only the creator of the agreement will have access to it. Access Rights are
specified to provide full access to all users on the same Egreement Pro account that has access to the Rental Admins
Method | Resource URL |
POST | https://{{environment}}/services/api/v1/agreements/ |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {{API_TOKEN}} |
Content-Type | application/json |
Quickly knowing when an agreement has been signed
When the agreement party (Randy Rentee
) has signed the agreement, you want to know this in your Rental Application
as quickly as possible.
You will achieve this by using webhooks. When the agreement has been signed by Randy Rentee
, Egreement Pro will
execute an HTTP POST request to the URL specified in the Create Agreement
call. When you receive this POST
call you
must fetch the individual agreement by ID to cross verify.
To have a solution that is resilient to failed webhook calls or other communication hiccups, you should also implement scheduled reconciliation. This is done by periodically listing agreements and specifying that you want to only include agreements that have changed since your last check, e.g.
At 14:00 UTC, you list agreements for the first time. Remember that the API response will be paginated and that you need to check all pages in the response.
At 15:00 UTC, you know that you have checked all agreements that have been modified up until 14:00 UTC, so you only need
to query the status for agreements that have changed since 14:00. This is done by applying a filter in your list call.
An example URL would be https://environment/services/api/v1/agreements?filter[lastActivityOn]=after:20210115T140000Z
Don't forget that pagination applies here too.
One might be tempted to use the Agreement fetch call (which fetches data for a specific agreement), for all the
agreements you need to check the status of, but as the number of agreements you keep track of in Rental Application
increases, so will the number of API calls. This is an anti-pattern, and you must not do this.
Now you know how to:
- Create agreements.
- Make sure other users on the same Egreement Pro account can access it.
- Make sure your application gets to know that a party has signed it as quickly as possible.
API tokens are used for accessing the API.
All API requests must have a proper Authorization
Header | Value |
Authorization |
An unauthorized access to the API will result in an HTTP status 401 response.
Test environments
A separate production test environment is available for development purposes. It uses production certificates for all EID services. Any agreement seals will be made using an untrusted AATL certificate.
The production test environment has the following base URL:
Production environment
The production environment is available 24/7 with the exception of service windows and has the following base URL:
An organization using the Egreement Pro service will have at least one Account. All Users in the organization are linked to the same Account. The Account can have settings that affects all Users and all Agreements created using the Account.
Accounts are not connected to each other in any way.
An Agreement is an object in the Egreement Pro service which includes document files, configurations, signatures and metadata.
Agreements will have different states during their life cycles.
Agreement states
States | Description |
The agreement has been created but does not yet contain all the mandatory attributes to be sent for signing by its parties. |
The agreement now contains all the mandatory attributes in order to be sent to its parties for signing. |
The agreement has been made available to all stakeholders and is waiting for the parties to sign it. |
One or more parties have signed the agreement and are waiting for others to sign. |
The agreement has been signed by all parties. |
The agreement has been rejected by one of the parties and can no longer be signed. |
The agreement is revoked by the creator and can no longer be signed. |
The agreement is expired since it exceeded the configured expiry time period and can no longer be signed. |
Transition between states on an agreement or party level.
A User is a person who has access to and can login to an Account in the Egreement Pro service. A User is typically a person who creates and manages Agreements or administers Account settings, Users and Groups.
A Group is used to easily manage access rights. A Group has a name and it has Users as members. By sharing an Agreement with a Group, all members of that Group will have access to the Agreement.
By default, agreements created by an API user will not be accessible by any other user. For that reason, it's strongly recommended to utilize sharing (to groups) via Access Rights.
A party of an Agreement is a person or organization that shall sign the agreement.
Party states
States | Description |
The party has been added to the agreement and waiting for the agreement to be sent for signing by its parties. |
The party is waiting for his/her turn to sign the agreement. |
The party can sign the agreement. |
The party has signed the agreement. |
The party has rejected the agreement. |
Shared with
Status of how the agreement is shared with the stakeholders.
States | Description |
Agreement is shared with all the users under the account |
Agreement is not shared with anyone |
Agreement is shared with selected users/groups, check accessRights section for details |
Agreement creator
The agreement creator is the User who created the Agreement.
A Notification is a message sent by the Egreement Pro system - typically as a part of a state change - per email, SMS or as a Webhook.
Tags are custom name-value pairs associated with an Agreement. Tags are not visible to, nor signed by any Party of an Agreement.
Tag limitations
Limitation | |
Max tags per agreement | 100 |
Max key length | 128 |
Max value length | 256 |
Allowed characters | Unicode letters, whitespace, and numbers, plus the following special characters: + - = . _ : / |
Reserved prefix | egr: |
Leading/trailing space | not allowed |
Signing methods
Signing methods are different ways for signing an Agreement in the Egreement Pro service.
Please refer to more detailed information in the section Signature methods
Attachments encoding
An agreement is created using documents such as a PDF file. When creating an agreement the documents are added as attachments in the API call. All agreement attachments must be Base64 encoded.
Country codes
Country codes are sometimes used by the system to control functionality. For instance, the format of a personal identity number can depend on a country code. The Egreement Pro API use the standard ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 for country codes.
Data encoding
All data sent through the API must be UTF-8 encoded.
All characters mentioned here are considered whitespace characters.
Date and time
The Egreement Pro API uses the ISO 8601 format for date and time yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'
All time parameters in the API are entered and given in UTC (Zulu time zone).
Email addresses
The Egreement Pro API is forgiving when entering email addresses and the responsibility for validating the address is left to the API consumer.
The API requires email addresses to have the following format:
Example of a valid email address:
Example of an invalid email address: john.smith@example
Object identifiers
All objects in the API will be referenced by a unique identification key. The API uses a 128-bit Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) version 1, RFC4122.
Personal identity numbers
Personal identity numbers follow different formats depending on country.
Country | Type | Format |
Sweden | Standard | YYYYMMDDXXXX |
Finland | Standard | DDMMYYCZZZQ |
Phone numbers
The Egreement Pro API uses the E.164 recommendation for mobile phone numbers.
The presentation of a number is prefixed with the plus sign (+). Numbers are limited to a maximum of 15 digits The E.164 general format must contain only digits split as follows:
Country code (max 3 digits)
Subscriber number (max 12 digits)
For example the Swedish mobile number 031-400 980 would be represented as +4631400980
- including neither hyphens nor spaces.
Finding International country calling codes
The signing web flow
The signing web flow, hosted by Egreement, makes it possible for the parties to review and sign an agreement. The web flow will also present information about the agreement parties, events, files and other details.
The signing web flow is a web application and it has a responsive design that will support all screen sizes.
There are different options on how to give access to the web flow. Each party will have a
unique URL that needs to be used for access. In the default notification configuration the
parties will receive a clickable link to the web flow in a mail when
the agreement is READY_TO_SIGN
. It is also possible to send that notification by SMS.
When integrating with the Egreement Pro API it is also possible to forward the parties to the web flow directly. The unique URL for each party can be obtained from the API. The API also makes it possible to configure return URLs for the continued process in the integrated application.
For more information check: Webflow Links
Return links
By configuring return URLs you can control where a party will be forwarded from the web flow depending on outcome. For more information check: Return Links
Success URL
This will be the return URL when a party has successfully signed the agreement.
Failure URL
This will be the return URL for a party if something fails when the party tries to sign the agreement.
Reject URL
This will be the return URL if the party chooses to reject the agreement.
Identification before review
An identification mechanism can be used to restrict access to agreements in the signing web flow.
Each party has a unique link to the agreement which gives them access to review and sign the agreement. The link is not possible to guess but anyone with knowledge of the link can access the agreement. By configuring the system to require the parties to identify using configured methods before granting access to read the agreement it is possible to add an extra level of security.
To enable identification before review, a Identification Configuration has to be supplied for the parties when creating an agreement.
Identification Methods
EID - This method allow the parties to identify using Swedish BankID. When accessing the signing web flow, the user will be redirected to the integrated BankID services for identification. Once the identification process is completed the user will be redirected back to the agreement in the signing web flow. This identification method requires the parties personal identity number to be configured when the agreement is created.
SMS_OTP - This method allow the party to identify using SMS OTP. When accessing the signing web flow, the user will be required to enter a One Time Password, OTP, sent by SMS for identification. Once the identification process is completed the user will be redirected back to the agreement in the signing web flow. This identification method requires the parties mobile phone number to be configured when the agreement is created.
Signature Methods
EID signatures
With the EID signature method it is possible to create advanced electronic signatures. The following EIDs can be used.
Swedish BankID
Example of signing configuration for Swedish BankID
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "198901023286"
Swedish BankID is the most common EID in Sweden run by Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB which is owned by a number of large Swedish banks. It is a PKI based solution with support for file based tokens as well as smart cards, supported on a number of platforms for desktop and mobile.
Using Swedish BankID will result in an advanced electronic signature.
How to Use
- For this signature method to be used the party's Signing Configuration must be
. - The party country flag must be set to
. - By optionally configuring a personal identity number the system will only allow for signatures made with a certificate with that personal identity number.
Norwegian BankID
Example of signing configuration for Norwegian BankID
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "NO"
Norwegian BankID is the largest EID provider in Norway run by BankID Norway AS. It is a PKI based solution that uses a one time password in combination with a personal password, supported on a number of platforms for desktop and mobile.
Using Norwegian BankID will result in an advanced electronic signature.
How to Use
- For this signature method to be used the party's Signing Configuration must be
. - The party country flag must be set to
Finnish EID
Example of signing configuration for Finnish EID
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "FI",
"identifier": "131052-308T"
Strong identification broker services are provided by Telia Finland for banks and mobile operators in the Finnish Trust Network ("FTN").
How to Use
- For this signature method to be used the party's Signing Configuration must be
. - The party country flag must be set to
. - It is optional to configure a personal identity number.
Danish MitID
Example of signing configuration for Danish MitID
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "DK",
"actionType": "AUTHENTICATION"
MitID is the Danish EID solution provided to all Danish citizens. It is a replacement of NemID as the former EID solution was called.
A number of solutions exists to use the EID like OTP tokens or mobile apps which results with different Level of Assurance LOA. The default LOA used by Egreement is Substantial
How to Use
- For this signature method to be used the party's Signing Configuration must be
. - The party country flag must be set to
Qualified Electronic Signature
Example of signing configuration for Qualified Electronic Signature
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "QES",
"provider": "SWISSCOM",
"identifier": "+46701740605"
With the QES signature method it is possible to create qualified electronic signatures, which are currently provided by Swisscom Trust Services.
How to Use
- For this signature method to be used the party's Signing Configuration must be
. - The Signing Configuration
must be configured withSWISSCOM
. - The Signing Configuration
must be configured with the party's mobile phone number being bound to their electronic identity.
SMS OTP signature
Example of signing configuration for SMS OTP signature
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "SMS_OTP",
"identifier": "+46701740605"
SMS Signature is an electronic signature created by responding to an SMS with context specific content. The content of the SMS is One Time Password (OTP), a 6 digits number sent to the registered mobile no of the signee. The Signee has to submit the OTP in order to sign the agreement. The OTP Number is generated by TOTP algorithm by hashing the current time along with the agreement information. OTP can be regenerated and verified by the same logic provided the given time & agreement information are same.
How to Use
- For this signature method to be used the party's Signing Configuration must be
. - The Signing Configuration
must be configured with the party's mobile phone number.
Draw signature
Example of signing configuration for draw signature
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "DRAW"
This example will place the first party's signature in a field called 'signature1' and the second party's signature in a field called 'signature2' in the attached PDF file.
"fields": [
"name": "signature1",
"value": "{{@agr.parties[0].signature}}"
"name": "signature2",
"value": "{{@agr.parties[1].signature}}"
The draw signature is an electronic alternative to traditional handwritten signatures. Using this signature method the signing party draws a signature on a web canvas. The signature will be displayed in the agreement verification in the PDF and can also be configured to be printed in dynamic PDF fields anywhere in the agreement.
This signature method is not classified as an advanced electronic signature. The draw signature method can often be suitable in use cases where advanced electronic signatures are not required.
Producing a signature should preferably be done using a touch screen device.
How to Use
- For this signature method to be used party's Signing Configuration must be
. - Attachment
must beBASE64
must contain editable PDF content. - Attachment
section can contain information about the fields where the signature is to be embedded.
Click signature
Example of signing configuration for click signature
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "CLICK"
This click signature is a fast and uncomplicated signature method. The user only has to click a signature button to sign the agreement.
This signature method is not classified as an advanced electronic signature. The click signature method can often be suitable in use cases where advanced electronic signatures are not required and simplicity is of high importance.
How to Use
- For this signature method to be used the party's Signing Configuration must be
API signature
Example of signing configuration for API signature
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "API"
Example of creating an API signature with API Sign agreement
"firstName": "Per",
"lastName": "Andersson",
"country": "SE",
"signedOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"personNumber": "198901023286",
"email": "",
"mobile": "+46701740605"
The API signature method makes it possible to sign a document from an external system. When using this signature method it is the external systems responsibility to create and save a chain of evidence of who made the signature and when.
This signature method is not classified as an advanced electronic signature.
How to Use
- It is only possible to use this signature method for parties of the type
. - For this signature method to be used the party's Signing Configuration must be
. - The signature is made by calling the API Sign Agreement.
Notifications are means of agreement related communication, triggered by events and state changes of an agreement. The notifications are sent in two different contexts:
party (on party level) - information that the parties would benefit from
info (on agreement level) - information that a non-party would benefit from - typically the creator of the agreement who might not necessarily be an agreement party
Notification types
States | Description |
The agreement has been made available to all stakeholders and is waiting for the parties to sign it. |
One or more parties have signed the agreement and are waiting for others to sign. |
The agreement has been signed by all parties. |
The agreement has been rejected by one of the parties and can no longer be signed. |
The agreement is revoked by the creator and can no longer be signed. |
The agreement is about to expiry since it exceeded the configured expireOn time period. |
The agreement is expired since it exceeded the configured expiry time period and can no longer be signed. |
The agreement is viewed by the party till the time agreement is not closed or signed by that party. |
Notification templates
The system has default email templates configured for every notifiable event.
The Egreement Pro API has language support for the following languages.
Language/Country | Locale |
English (United states) | en_US |
Danish (Denmark) | da_DK |
Dutch (Netherlands) | nl_NL |
Finnish (Finland) | fi_FI |
French (France) | fr_FR |
German (Germany) | de_DE |
Italian (Italy) | it_IT |
Norwegian bokmål (Norway) | nb_NO |
Polish (Poland) | pl_PL |
Spanish (Spain) | es_ES |
Swedish (Sweden) | sv_SE |
The system will default to en_US
if a configured locale is not supported.
It is possible to configure default and fallback locale on the account level.
The default locale will be used unless explicitly configured in the API request.
The fallback locale will be used if the API request specifies a locale that is currently not supported, such as ru_RU
If locale is not configured at account level, Default Locale will be sv_SE
and Fallback Locale will be en_US
For the web based parts of the system, language is controlled by the users locale setting in the browser. For notifications the locale has to be set specifically to be able to send notifications in the correct language.
Time zones
If it has not been configured elsewhere, the default Europe/Stockholm
time zone will be used.
It is possible to configure the time zone on the account level and this will override the system default.
If the time zone is configured in the API request, both of the above will be overridden.
The time zone configuration is used for proper (time zone dependent) time stamps. When agreements are being accessed via a web browser, the browser time zone will still apply in some cases.
Custom templates
The recommendation is to use the default templates since they are tested across a myriad
of different email clients as well as providing localization for multiple languages.
It is possible to have fully customized email messages and then use the templateId
mentioned later in the documentation, but these templates will not benefit from the
email client testing and localization that the default templates provide.
In most use cases it will be sufficient to provide a custom message via placeholders
Email notifications
Notifications can be sent to parties and the creator over email. Either the notifications are explicitly set in the request using available notification types or default settings will be applied by combining email address provided in party with account notification configuration.
SMS notifications
Notifications can be sent to parties over SMS. Either the notifications are explicitly set in the request using available notification types or default settings will be applied by combining mobile number provided in party with account notification configuration.
Webhook JSON payload
"id": "",
"event": "",
"timestamp": ""
Example of configuring a webhook when creating an agreement
"title": "",
"expireOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"deleteOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"attachments": [],
"parties": [],
"notifications": [
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "en_US",
"timeZone": "Europe/Stockholm",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "WEBHOOK"
"accessRights": []
In the same way that email/SMS notifications can be sent, it is also possible to configure notifications to be sent using a computer-to-computer HTTP(S) call.
A webhook is typically sent when an agreement changes state. A payload of JSON data containing information about the event is sent via POST to a specified endpoint URL over HTTP(S). For security reasons the payload of the Webhooks does not include any sensitive data. Upon receiving a Webhook the recommended action is to retrieve more information about the object referenced by the Webhook via the API.
We highly recommend using Webhooks for best performance. To ensure that your data is in sync we also recommend that you combine Webhooks with user driven API calls and/or polling at longer intervals.
The templates (HTML for email, Plain Text for SMS, and JSON for webhooks) are different, so when you want to create an email notification, an SMS notification and webhook notification, you need to use separate notification blocks instead of having different recipients in a single notification block. Locale for webhook notification will be en_US
for now. See the JSON payload example below on the necessary structure.
See the Notification types section for event types.
Agreement Pro API V1
Create Agreement
Example Request JSON
"title": "",
"expireOn": "20190101T000000Z",
"deleteOn": "20190102T000000Z",
"attachments": [
"name": "dummy.pdf",
"data": "JVBERi0xLjQKMSAwIG9iago8PAovVGl0bGUgKP7/AFQAaQBjAGsAZQ=",
"type": "BASE64",
"category": "AGREEMENT"
"parties": [
"type": "PRIVATE",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"accessRights": [
"type": "GRANT_BY_ID",
"actorType": "user",
"actorId": "",
"action": "read"
"type": "GRANT_BY_NAME",
"actorType": "group",
"actorName": "",
"description": "",
"action": "read"
"links": [
"href": ""
"href": ""
"href": ""
"tags": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
This API allows you to configure and create a new agreement. In response it presents agreement information in JSON format based on your input.
When an agreement is created successfully it will automatically transit to
state and any notifications configured for that event will be sent.
Method | Resource URL |
POST | /v1/agreements |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
Content-Type | application/json |
Parameter | In | Description |
json data | body | Agreement |
Name | Value |
ETag | {ETag value } |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
200 |
Success | Agreement JSON object | Agreement created successfully |
400 |
Failure | Error object | Invalid JSON object or contract mismatch |
422 |
Failure | Error object | One or more JSON fields have issues (i.e. missing mandatory fields, invalid date format) |
Fetch Agreement
Default response JSON
"data": {
"id": "",
"title": "",
"state": "",
"createdOn": "",
"closedOn": "",
"rejectedOn": "",
"revokedOn": "",
"expiredOn": "",
"expireOn": "",
"deleteOn": "",
"lastSignedOn": "",
"sharedWith": ""
This API allows you to fetch agreement information in JSON format based on id. In response it presents agreement information in JSON format based on your input.
Method | Resource URL |
GET | /v1/agreements/{id} |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
include |
query | Response object configuration. Possible values: attachments , parties , notifications , accessRights , links , tags , parties.notifications , parties.links , parties.signingConfigurations , parties.signingResult , parties.rejectionResult , attachments.fields , parties.identificationConfigurations , parties.signingConfigurations.tbs , owner , owner.links . |
fields |
query | Response object configuration. Return only specific fields in the response on a per-type basis by including a fields[TYPE] parameter. The value of the fields parameter MUST be a comma-separated (U+002C COMMA, “,”) list that refers to the name(s) of the fields to be returned. If a client requests a restricted set of fields for a given resource type, an endpoint MUST NOT include additional fields in resource objects of that type in its response. |
Name | Value |
ETag | {ETag value } |
Status | Meaning | Description |
200 |
Success | Agreement loaded successfully |
403 |
Failure | The user is not authorized to read the agreement |
404 |
Failure | The agreement is not found |
List Agreements
Example response JSON
"data": [
"id": "dfe9a640-1316-11e8-89be-3926acd183cb",
"title": "AAAA",
"state": "READY_TO_SIGN",
"createdOn": "20180216T124240Z",
"postedOn": "20180216T125015Z",
"expireOn": "20180417T125015Z",
"deleteOn": "20190417T125015Z",
"sharedWith": "NONE"
"id": "e7039f70-1317-11e8-89be-3926acd183cb",
"title": "AAAA",
"state": "READY_TO_SEND",
"createdOn": "20180216T125001Z",
"sharedWith": "NONE"
"id": "ae6e69c0-1316-11e8-98e4-f535db932583",
"title": "AAAA",
"state": "READY_TO_SEND",
"createdOn": "20180216T124117Z",
"sharedWith": "NONE"
"meta": {
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 3,
"totalPages": 10,
"totalRecords": 29
"links": {
"self": "/services/api/v1/agreements?page%5Bnumber%5D=6&page%5Bsize%5D=3",
"first": "/services/api/v1/agreements?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=3",
"prev": "/services/api/v1/agreements?page%5Bnumber%5D=5&page%5Bsize%5D=3",
"next": "/services/api/v1/agreements?page%5Bnumber%5D=7&page%5Bsize%5D=3",
"last": "/services/api/v1/agreements?page%5Bnumber%5D=10&page%5Bsize%5D=3"
This API allows you to list and filter the agreements.
Method | Resource URL |
GET | /v1/agreements |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
Parameter | In | Description |
filter |
query | This parameter is reserved for filtering the agreements based on values of the attributes. Only one filter can be applied per request. More advanced querying will come at a later point in time. Filtering is supported on the following attributes:filter[state] - This will filter the agreements based on agreement state, supported states are described below:READY_TO_SIGN - agreement has been postedSIGNED - agreement is posted but signed by fewAWAITING - Either is READY_TO_SIGN or SIGNED SIGNED_BY_ALL - agreement is signed by everyoneCLOSED - agreement is closed (same as SIGNED_BY_ALL )REJECTED - agreement is rejected by partyREVOKED - agreement is revoked by the ownerCANCELLED - agreement is either REJECTED or REVOKED filter[lastActivityOn] - filter the agreements based on when the last activity occured on the agreements.Format: SEARCH_TYPE:DATE_1:DATE_2 SEARCH_TYPE between (search between dates)DATE_1 : used as a from dateDATE_2 : used as a to dateDATE_1 & DATE_2 are mandatorybefore (search before a date)DATE_1 : used as a before dateDATE_2 : not required will be ignoredDATE_1 is mandatoryafter (search after a date)DATE_1 : used as an after dateDATE_2 : not required will be ignoredDATE_1 is mandatoryDATE_1 & DATE_2 Date format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z' Agreement state dictates which date will be used for lastActivityOn filtering; READY_TO_SIGN - filtered on postedOn SIGNED - filtered on lastSignedOn SIGNED_BY_ALL - filtered on closedOn REJECTED - filtered on rejectedOn REVOKED - filtered on revokedOn Example: filter[lastActivityOn]=between:20180201T62957Z:20180201T062957Z |
include |
query | Response object configuration. Possible values: attachments , parties , notifications , accessRights , links , tags , parties.notifications , parties.links , parties.signingConfigurations , parties.signingResult , parties.rejectionResult , attachments.fields , parties.identificationConfigurations , parties.signingConfigurations.tbs , owner , owner.links . |
fields |
query | Response object configuration. Return only specific fields in the response on a per-type basis by including a fields[TYPE] parameter. The value of the fields parameter MUST be a comma-separated (U+002C COMMA, “,”) list that refers to the name(s) of the fields to be returned. If a client requests a restricted set of fields for a given resource type, an endpoint MUST NOT include additional fields in resource objects of that type in its response. |
page[number] |
query | Configure the wanted pagination page. |
page[size] |
query | Configure the number of agreements in each pagination. |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
200 |
Success | Agreement list default JSON object or according to include or field parameter. |
List fetched successfully |
Download Agreement
This API allows you to download the agreement in PDF format. The PDF contains all signed agreement parts, documentation and logs producing a self-contained, tamper proof document.
Method | Resource URL |
GET | /v1/agreements/{id}/download |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
Accept | application/pdf |
- You can only download an agreement if it is
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
Status | Meaning | Description |
200 |
Success | A binary stream containing the PDF file |
400 |
Failure | The agreement is not concluded |
403 |
Failure | The user is not authorized to read the agreement |
404 |
Failure | The agreement is not found |
Delete Agreement
This API allows you to delete an agreement from the Egreement Pro service. It is not possible to recover the agreement after it has been deleted.
This method is recommended to use after having Downloaded the agreement if you do not want to store it in the Egreement Pro service.
Method | Resource URL |
DELETE | /v1/agreements/{id} |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
Status | Meaning | Description |
204 |
Success | The agreement has been deleted |
403 |
Failure | The user is not authorized to delete the agreement |
404 |
Failure | The agreement is not found |
Revoke Agreement
This API allows the agreement Owner to revoke the agreement and delivers the response in JSON format.
When the agreement is revoked it is no longer accessible for the parties and it is not possible to sign the agreement.
Revoking an agreement will trigger the agreement state to transit to the REVOKED
Method | Resource URL |
GET | /v1/agreements/{id}/revoke |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
- You can only revoke an agreement as long as it is not
. - You must have "update" rights for the agreement.
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
Name | Value |
ETag | {ETag value } |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
200 |
Success | Agreement default JSON object | Agreement revoked successfully |
400 |
Failure | Error object | Any unexpected error, see Constraints |
403 |
Failure | Error object | The user is not authorized to revoke the agreement |
404 |
Failure | Error object | The agreement is not found |
Sign Agreement
Example JSON
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"country": "",
"signedOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"personNumber": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": ""
This API allows for a party to sign the agreement from an external system. Information about the person signing the agreement can be supplied and will then be included in the final agreement.
Method | Resource URL |
POST | /v1/agreements/{id}/parties/{partyId}/sign/{signingConfigurationId} |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
Content-Type | application/json |
- You can only sign an agreement as long as it is not
- The party signing the agreement must be the owner of the agreement, i.e. the API consumer can only sign the agreement on behalf of party having type as
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
partyId |
path | The party UUID |
signingConfigurationId |
path | The signing configuration UUID |
json data | body | Sign |
Name | Value |
ETag | {ETag value } |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
200 |
Success | Agreement default JSON object | Agreement signed successfully |
400 |
Failure | Error object | Any unexpected error, see Constraints |
403 |
Failure | Error object | The user is not authorized to sign the agreement |
404 |
Failure | Error object | The agreement or party or signing configuration is not found |
Update Agreement
Example JSON
"expireOn": "20190101T000000Z",
"deleteOn": "20190102T000000Z"
This API allows the agreement Owner to update the agreement based on id. Before making a call to this API,
extract <ETag value>
from the ETag
header (via fetch API call) and use it for the If-Match
header. Information
that needs to be updated can be supplied. The JSON response contains the updated agreement information.
Method | Resource URL |
PATCH | /v1/agreements/{id} |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
If-Match | <ETag value> |
Content-Type | application/json |
- You can only update an agreement when it's in the
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
json data | body | Update |
Name | Value |
ETag | {ETag value } |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
200 |
Success | Agreement default JSON object | Agreement updated successfully |
400 |
Failure | Error object | Any unexpected error, see Constraints |
403 |
Failure | Error object | The user is not authorized to update the agreement |
404 |
Failure | Error object | The agreement is not found |
412 |
Failure | Error object | If-Match header value is missing or incorrect |
Update Party Email Address
Example JSON
"address": ""
This API allows the agreement Owner to update the Email Address of the Party. The Party's Notifications having an Email address that matches the old/previous Party Email will also be updated.
Before making a call to this API, extract <ETag value>
from the ETag
header (via fetch API call) and use it for the If-Match
header. Information
that needs to be updated can be supplied. The JSON response contains the updated agreement and party notification information.
Method | Resource URL |
POST | /v1/agreements/{id}/parties/{partyId}/updateEmail |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
If-Match | <ETag value> |
Content-Type | application/json |
- The agreement
. - The party
. - The email
in the request body must be different from the existing address.
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
partyId |
path | The party UUID |
json data | body | Email Update |
Name | Value |
ETag | {ETag value } |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
200 |
Success | Party Update JSON object | Party's Email Address was updated successfully. The response also contain the updated ETag. |
400 |
Failure | Error object | Any unexpected error, see Constraints |
403 |
Failure | Error object | The user is not authorized to update the agreement |
404 |
Failure | Error object | The agreement or party is not found |
412 |
Failure | Error object | If-Match header value is missing or incorrect |
Fetch Party Notification
This API allows the agreement Owner to fetch a notification of the agreement party. Keep in mind that this API is for the party level notifications.
Method | Resource URL |
GET | /v1/agreements/{id}/parties/{partyId}/notifications/{notificationId} |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
partyId |
path | The party UUID |
notificationId |
path | The notification UUID |
Name | Value |
ETag | {ETag value } |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
200 |
Success | Notification | Party's Notification. The response also contain the current ETag. |
403 |
Failure | Error object | The user is not authorized to perform this action on the agreement |
404 |
Failure | Error object | The agreement or party or notification is not found |
Update Party Notification Recipients
Example JSON
"address": "",
"medium": ""
"address": "",
"medium": ""
This API allows the agreement Owner to change/replace the recipients of a notification of the agreement party. Information about party and notification needs to extracted from agreement JSON. Keep in mind that this API is for the party level notifications.
Method | Resource URL |
PUT | /v1/agreements/{id}/parties/{partyId}/notifications/{notificationId}/recipients |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
If-Match | <ETag value> |
Content-Type | application/json |
- The agreement
. - The party
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
partyId |
path | The party UUID |
notificationId |
path | The notification UUID |
json data | body | Notification Recipients Update |
Name | Value |
ETag | {ETag value } |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
200 |
Success | JSON object | Recipients updated successfully. The response also contain the updated ETag. |
403 |
Failure | Error object | The user is not authorized to perform this action on the agreement |
404 |
Failure | Error object | The agreement or party or notification is not found |
412 |
Failure | Error object | If-Match header value is missing or incorrect |
Delete Party Notification
This API allows the agreement Owner to delete a notification of the agreement party. Information about party and notification needs to extracted from agreement JSON. Keep in mind that this API is for the party level notifications.
Method | Resource URL |
DELETE | /v1/agreements/{id}/parties/{partyId}/notifications/{notificationId} |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
If-Match | <ETag value> |
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
partyId |
path | The party UUID |
notificationId |
path | The notification UUID |
Name | Value |
ETag | {ETag value } |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
204 |
Success | N/A | Party's Notification was deleted successfully. The response also contain the updated ETag. |
403 |
Failure | Error object | The user is not authorized to perform this action on the agreement |
404 |
Failure | Error object | The agreement or party or notification is not found |
412 |
Failure | Error object | If-Match header value is missing or incorrect |
Notify Agreement Party
Example JSON
This API allows the agreement Owner to notify the agreement party. Information about party and notification needs to extracted from agreement JSON. Keep in mind that this API is for the party level notifications.
Method | Resource URL |
POST | /v1/agreements/{id}/parties/{partyId}/notifications/{notificationId}/notify |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
Content-Type | application/json |
- The agreement
. - The party
. - The notification
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
partyId |
path | The party UUID |
notificationId |
path | The notification UUID |
json data | body | empty JSON object, i.e., {} |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
202 |
Accepted | JSON object without additional properties, i.e., {"data":{}} |
Notification will be scheduled for delivery |
400 |
Failure | Error object | Any unexpected error, see Constraints |
403 |
Failure | Error object | The user is not authorized to perform this action on the agreement |
404 |
Failure | Error object | The agreement or party or notification is not found |
Download Agreement Attachment
This API allows you to download an attachment of the agreement.
If the download does not start automatically after making a call to this API, read the presigned (short-lived) download URL from the response body and make a separate call to that URL to start the download.
Method | Resource URL |
GET | /v1/agreements/{id}/attachments/{attachmentId}/download |
Name | Value |
Authorization | Token {TOKEN } |
Parameter | In | Description |
id |
path | The agreement UUID |
attachmentId |
path | The attachment UUID |
Name | Value |
Location | {URL } |
Status | Meaning | Body | Description |
303 |
Success | Attachment Download JSON object | Contains agreement attachment presigned (short-lived) download URL |
403 |
Failure | Error object | The user is not authorized to perform this action on the agreement |
404 |
Failure | Error object | The agreement or attachment is not found |
JSON Schemas
Agreement Request Schema
"title": "",
"expireOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"deleteOn": "20191002T094006Z",
"configurations": [
"type": "DEFAULT",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": ""
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"sendExpiryReminderOn" : "20191001T094006Z"
"type": "CONTAINER",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": ""
"attachments": [
"title": "",
"name": "",
"data": "",
"type": "BASE64",
"token": "",
"fields": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"category": "AGREEMENT"
"title": "",
"name": "",
"type": "TOKEN",
"token": "",
"fields": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"parties": [
"type": "PRIVATE",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"configurations": [
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"sendExpiryReminderOn" : "20191001T094006Z"
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "",
"country": "",
"provider": "",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"identificationConfigurations": [
"type": "",
"country": "",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"type": "COMPANY",
"name": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"companyNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"configurations": [
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"sendExpiryReminderOn" : "20191001T094006Z"
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"identificationConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"type": "MY_COMPANY",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"configurations": [
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"sendExpiryReminderOn" : "20191001T094006Z"
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"identificationConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"notifications": [
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "WEBHOOK"
"links": [
"href": ""
"href": ""
"href": ""
"accessRights": [
"type": "GRANT_BY_ID",
"actorType": "user",
"actorId": "",
"action": "read"
"type": "GRANT_BY_NAME",
"actorType": "group",
"actorName": "",
"description": "",
"action": "read"
"tags": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
Agreement field descriptions
Field | Description |
title String Required |
Title of the agreement |
expireOn String |
Time at which the agreement will expire and no parties will be allowed to sign. Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z' Constraints: Time must always be in the future and before the deleteOn . |
deleteOn String |
Time at which the agreement will be automatically deleted from the system. Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z' Constraints: Time must always be in the future. Caution: Agreement can not be retrieved once it is deleted. All the data related to the agreement such as attached files, audit events,configurations etc will also be deleted from the system permanently. If you do not want the agreement to be deleted automatically, do not set any value for this field. |
configurations Array of Configuration |
Configuration describe how the agreement level configurations be tweaked. |
attachments Array of Attachment Required |
Files having the content of the agreement. The pages of the agreement will be in the same order as the attachments of category AGREEMENT. Constraints: At least one attachment of category AGREEMENT must be added. |
parties Array of Party Required |
Parties added to be the signatories of the agreement. Constraints: At least one party must be added. |
notifications Array of Notification |
Configuration of notifications. If notifications are not configured, by default all notifications will be sent to owner's email. If notifications are configured but recipients are not provided, owner's email will be used. |
accessRights Array of Access Right |
Configuration of access rights. |
links Array of Link |
Configuration of return links |
tags Object |
Tags can be used to add metadata to the agreement. |
Agreement Response Schema
"id": "",
"title": "",
"state": "",
"createdOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"lastActivityOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"postedOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"closedOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"rejectedOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"revokedOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"expiredOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"expireOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"deleteOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"lastSignedOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"importedOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"attachments": [
"id": "",
"name": "",
"title": "",
"mimeType": "",
"fileSize": "",
"lastModifiedOn": "",
"fields": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"category": "AGREEMENT"
"parties": [
"id": "",
"type": "PRIVATE",
"state": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"signingConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"identificationConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"signingResult": {
"signingConfiguration": {
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"rejectionResult": {
"reason": ""
"id": "",
"type": "COMPANY",
"state": "",
"name": "",
"companyNumber": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"signingConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"identificationConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"signingResult": {
"signingConfiguration": {
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"rejectionResult": {
"reason": ""
"id": "",
"type": "MY_COMPANY",
"state": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"signingConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"identificationConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"signingResult": {
"signingConfiguration": {
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"rejectionResult": {
"reason": ""
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "WEBHOOK"
"sharedWith": "",
"links": [
"href": ""
"href": ""
"href": ""
"tags": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"accessRights": [
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of the agreement |
title String |
Title of the agreement |
state String |
State of agreement |
createdOn String |
Time at which the agreement created |
lastActivityOn String |
Time at which the last activity occurred on agreement |
postedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was sent (posted) to the stakeholders |
closedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was concluded (Signed by All) |
rejectedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was rejected |
revokedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was revoked |
expiredOn String |
Time at which the agreement was expired (expired due to the tender timeout period exceeded) |
expireOn String |
Time at which the agreement will expire and no parties will be allowed to sign. Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'. |
deleteOn String |
Time at which the agreement will be automatically deleted from the system. Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'. |
lastSignedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was last signed on |
importedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was imported |
attachments Array of Attachment |
Files having the content of the agreement. |
parties Array of Party |
Parties of the agreement. |
notifications Array of Notification |
Configuration of notifications. |
sharedWith String |
Status of how the agreement is shared with the stakeholders. |
links Array of Link |
Configuration of return links. |
accessRights Object Access Right |
Used in granting access to agreement for specific users and groups. |
tags Object Tags |
Used to add metadata to the agreement. |
Agreement Configuration Request Schema
"configurations": [
"type": "DEFAULT",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": ""
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"sendExpiryReminderOn" : "20191001T094006Z"
"type": "CONTAINER",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": ""
"enabled": false,
"visible": true
"type": "WATERMARK",
"x": 1.0,
"y": 1.0,
"rotation": 90.0
"type": "OWNER_DETAILS",
"companyName": "",
"companyShortName": ""
"type": "PDF_SEALING",
"enabled": false
This schema is used to override the default configurations applied by the system for a specific agreement. It applies to all parties of the agreement.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
type String Required |
The type of agreement configuration which would override the account level configurations. Possible Types: DEFAULT : This is a generic configuration which allows to configure values in a single place instead of providing the same configuration value for different use cases (types). It primarily serves as a forward-compatible way to provide settings if development and release cycles are long and you won't have the possibility to quickly release to provide new API configuration features.NOTIFICATION : This type overrides the default system configuration for the notifications sent by the system.CONTAINER : This type overrides the default system configuration for the agreement PDF container.REVIEW_DETAILS : This type overrides the system default configuration for the agreement review page.WATERMARK : This type overrides the system default configuration for the watermark inside the agreement PDF container.OWNER_DETAILS : This type overrides the system default configuration for the sender for Email & SMS.PDF_SEALING : This type overrides the system default configuration for the sealing details and account level configuration. |
locale String |
Only available if the type is DEFAULT , NOTIFICATION or CONTAINER . |
timeZone String |
Only available if the type is DEFAULT , NOTIFICATION or CONTAINER . |
sendExpiryReminderOn String |
Only available if the type is NOTIFICATION . Time at which the notification will be sent to recipients about agreement expiry. Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z' Constraints: Time must always be in the future and must at least be a day before expireOn of Agremeent. |
enabled Boolean |
Only available if the type is REVIEW_DETAILS or PDF_SEALING . REVIEW_DETAILS Whether to allow toggle agreement details section. PDF_SEALING Whether to seal agreement PDF after it is signed by all parties. |
visible Boolean |
Only available if the type is REVIEW_DETAILS . Whether to show or hide agreement details section. |
x Float |
Only available if the type is WATERMARK . x co-ordinate or horizontal position for the watermark. |
y Float |
Only available if the type is WATERMARK . y co-ordinate or vertical position for the watermark. |
rotation Float |
Only available if the type is WATERMARK . Rotation in degree for the watermark to show it horizontally or vertically. |
companyName String |
Only available if the type is OWNER_DETAILS . Replace default sender for Email notification. |
companyShortName String |
Only available if the type is OWNER_DETAILS . Replace default sender for SMS notification. Constraints: Length must be max 11 characters. |
Attachment Request Schema
"attachments": [
"name": "",
"title": "",
"type": "BASE64",
"data": "",
"lastModifiedOn": "",
"fields": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"category": "AGREEMENT"
"title": "",
"type": "TOKEN",
"token": "",
"lastModifiedOn": "",
"fields": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
name String |
The attachment filename. Required When type has the value BASE64 |
title String |
The attachment title. |
type String Required |
Possible values: BASE64 Accepting the file content in the BASE64 formatTOKEN If the file is already uploaded to the account. |
data String |
Content of the attached file. Required When type has the value BASE64 Format: Base64 |
token String |
ID of the already upload file. Required When type has the value TOKEN |
lastModifiedOn String |
Last Modified Time of the uploaded File |
fields Array of Field |
Field containing information about editable fields and the values that are to be merged with the given template. It can be used when you have a common business template as a PDF (with fields) and want the business values to be merged dynamically. In this case, must contain the Base64 version of the template and fields must contain the information that is to be embedded into the given template. |
category String |
Possible values: AGREEMENT : Attached file is part of the agreement.REF_DOC : Attached file is a reference document and is not included in the agreement. |
Attachment Response Schema
"attachments": [
"id": "",
"name": "",
"title": "",
"mimeType": "",
"fileSize": 0,
"lastModifiedOn": "",
"fields": [
"id": "",
"name": "",
"value": ""
"category": "AGREEMENT"
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of attachment |
name String |
The attachment filename. |
title String |
The attachment title. |
mimeType String |
MimeType of attached file. |
fileSize Long |
Size of attached file. |
lastModifiedOn String |
Last Modified Time of the uploaded file |
fields Array of Field |
Field containing information about editable fields and the values that are to be merged with the given template. |
category String |
Possible values: AGREEMENT : Attached file is part of the agreement.REF_DOC : Attached file is a reference document and is not included in the agreement. |
Attachment Field Request Schema
"fields": [
"name": "firstName",
"value": "John"
"name": "lastName",
"value": ""
"name": "drawsignature",
"value": "{{@agr.parties[0].signature}}"
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
name String Required |
Name of the field in the PDF |
value String |
Value to be merged into the corresponding PDF field. Special case: if party draw-signature (Party's Signing Configuration type must be DRAW ) is to be merged in a specific PDF field then its value must follow the syntax: {{@agr.parties[0].signature}} , where 0 is index of the party (starting from 0 ) signature to merge. Exceeding the total number of parties will return an error. |
Attachment Field Response Schema
"fields": [
"id": "",
"name": "firstName",
"value": "John"
"id": "",
"name": "lastName",
"value": ""
"id": "",
"name": "drawsignature",
"value": "{{@agr.parties[0].signature}}"
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of field |
name String |
Name of the field in the PDF |
value String |
Value to be merged into the corresponding PDF field. |
Attachment Download Response Schema
"downloadLink": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
downloadLink String |
Presigned (short-lived) download URL of the attachment |
Party Request Schema
"parties": [
"type": "PRIVATE",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"configurations": [
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"sendExpiryReminderOn" : "20191001T094006Z"
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"identificationConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"type": "COMPANY",
"name": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"companyNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"configurations": [
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"sendExpiryReminderOn" : "20191001T094006Z"
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"type": "MY_COMPANY",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"configurations": [
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"sendExpiryReminderOn" : "20191001T094006Z"
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
type String Required |
Type of party. Possible Types: PRIVATE : a private person is a party.COMPANY : an organization is a party.MY_COMPANY : your company is a party.When MY_COMPANY is used as party, you can not send name , companyNumber or country as part of the request. These details will be taken from the Account Configuration. |
firstName String |
First name of the person signing the agreement Required: Only if type of the party is PRIVATE |
lastName String |
Last name of the person signing the agreement Required: Only if type of the party is PRIVATE |
name String |
Name of the company. Required: Only if type of the party is COMPANY |
email String |
Email address of the party. |
mobile String |
Mobile phone number of the party. |
country String |
Country of origin for the party. Required if the field personNumber is used. |
personNumber String |
Personal identity number of the person signing the agreement. Format is dependent on the field country . |
companyNumber String |
Organizational identity number for the company. Only applicable if type of the party is COMPANY . |
signingOrder Integer |
Configuration of the order in which the parties can sign the agreement and posted/created email notifications will be sent. Order shall start from 1. If the value is not provided, it will be set to 1 and no signing order will be enforced. Example: An agreement with 3 parties X, Y and Z having the order 1, 2, 3 respectively. When the agreement is created the email notification will only be sent to the party X (having order 1). When party X signs the agreement, the posted email notification will be sent to party Y (having order 2) and the flow continues until the last party signs the agreement. One or more parties having the same signingOrder will result in a parallel scenario. In this case if 2 parties are having signingOrder 1, they both need to sign the agreement in order for the parties at signingOrder 2 to receive the notifications. |
configurations Array of Configuration |
Configuration describe how the system level configurations be tweaked. |
signingConfigurations Array of Signing Configuration Required |
Configuration of how the party shall sign the agreement. |
notifications Array of Notification |
Notifications configured at the party level. If notifications are not configured, by default all notifications will be sent to party's email. If notifications are configured but recipients are not provided, party's email will be used. |
identificationConfigurations Array of Identification Configuration |
Configuration of how the party shall identify itself for reviewing the agreement. |
Party Response Schema
"parties": [
"id": "",
"type": "PRIVATE",
"state": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"signingConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"identificationConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"signingResult": {
"signingConfiguration": {
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"rejectionResult": {
"reason": ""
"id": "",
"type": "COMPANY",
"state": "",
"name": "",
"companyNumber": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"signingConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"identificationConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"signingResult": {
"signingConfiguration": {
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"rejectionResult": {
"reason": ""
"id": "",
"type": "MY_COMPANY",
"state": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"signingConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"identificationConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": ""
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"signingResult": {
"signingConfiguration": {
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
"rejectionResult": {
"reason": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of the party |
type String |
Type of party. Possible Types: PRIVATE : a private person is a party.COMPANY : an organization is a party.MY_COMPANY : your company is a party.When MY_COMPANY is used as party, you can not send name , companyNumber or country as part of the request. These details will be taken from the Account Configuration. |
state String |
State of the party |
firstName String |
First name of the person signing the agreement |
lastName String |
Last name of the person signing the agreement |
name String |
Name of the company will be present only if type of the party is COMPANY |
email String |
Email address of the party. |
mobile String |
Mobile phone number of the party. |
country String |
Country of origin for the party, will be present if the field personNumber is used. |
personNumber String |
Personal identity number of the person signing the agreement. Format is dependent on the field country . |
companyNumber String |
Organizational identity number for the company. Only applicable if type of the party is COMPANY . |
signingOrder Integer |
Configuration of the order in which the parties can sign the agreement and posted/created email notifications will be sent. Order shall start from 1. If the value is not provided, it will be set to 1 and no signing order will be enforced. Example: An agreement with 3 parties X, Y and Z having the order 1, 2, 3 respectively. When the agreement is created the email notification will only be sent to the party X (having order 1). When party X signs the agreement, the posted email notification will be sent to party Y (having order 2) and the flow continues until the last party signs the agreement. One or more parties having the same signingOrder will result in a parallel scenario. In this case if 2 parties are having signingOrder 1, they both need to sign the agreement in order for the parties at signingOrder 2 to receive the notifications. |
signingConfigurations Array of Signing Configuration |
Configuration of how the party shall sign the agreement. |
identificationConfigurations Array of Identification Configuration |
Configuration of how the party shall identify themself for reviewing the agreement. |
signingResult Signing Result Response only |
Signing result for the party. Only present for parties that have signed the agreement. |
rejectionResult Rejection Result Response only |
Rejection result for the party. Only present for the party that has rejected the agreement. |
notifications Array of Notification |
Notifications configured at the party level. |
links Array of Link |
Webflow Signing Url for the party |
Party Configuration Request Schema
"configurations": [
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"sendExpiryReminderOn" : "20191001T094006Z"
This schema is used to override the default configurations applied by the system for a specific agreement party.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
type String Required |
The type of party configuration which would override the account level configurations. Possible Types: NOTIFICATION |
locale String |
Only available if the type is NOTIFICATION This is used to override the default configured language. If locale is set and party.notifications are not configured with locale, this locale will be used to set language for all default notifications. |
timeZone String |
Only available if the type is NOTIFICATION This is used to override the default configured time zone. |
sendExpiryReminderOn String |
Only available if the type is NOTIFICATION Time at which the notification will be sent to recipients about agreement expiry. Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z' Constraints: Time must always be in the future and must at least be a day before expireOn of Agremeent. |
Signing Configuration Request Schema
"signingConfigurations": [
"type": "",
"country": "",
"provider": "",
"identifier": "",
"actionType": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
This schema is used to configure how a party shall sign an agreement.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
type String Required |
The type of signature method that the party shall use to sign the agreement. Possible Types: EID , QES , SMS_OTP , CLICK , DRAW , API |
country String |
Country of origin for the party. Required if the field type is EID . Otherwise N/A. |
provider String |
Signature method provider. Required if the field type is QES . Otherwise N/A. |
identifier String |
When type is EID , this field specifies the Personal identity number of the person signing the agreement. When type is QES or SMS_OTP , it specifies the associated mobile phone number.Required if the field type is QES or SMS_OTP .Case 1 - type is EID The identifier must be a valid Personal identity number.The format of the personal identity number is dependent on the field country when type is EID .Caution: identifier is an optional field. If it is not specified the party will be able to sign the agreement with an EID with any personal identity number.Case 2 - type is QES The identifier shall be a valid mobile phone number. Case 3 - type is SMS_OTP The identifier shall be a valid mobile phone number. |
actionType String |
If type is EID and country is DK , this field specifies the signature action to use for signing the agreement. Required if the field type is EID and country is DK .Possible Types: AUTHENTICATION |
tbs TBS |
Configuration of the To Be Signed text, TBS, when using Swedish BankID. TBS is the text that will be displayed in the BankID application when signing. This can be used to add information about the sender and a description of the agreement to the TBS. Only applicable if type is EID and country is SE . |
Signing Configuration Response Schema
"signingConfigurations": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"country": "",
"provider": "",
"identifier": "",
"tbs": {
"sender": "",
"description": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of the signing configuration |
type String |
The type of signature method that the party has configure to sign the agreement. Possible Types: EID , QES , SMS_OTP , CLICK , DRAW , API |
country String |
Country of origin for the party, will be present if the field type is EID . Otherwise N/A. |
provider String |
Signature method provider. Will be present if the field type is QES . Otherwise N/A. |
identifier String |
When type is EID , this field specifies the Personal identity number of the person signing the agreement. When type is QES or SMS_OTP , it specifies the associated mobile phone number. |
tbs TBS |
Configuration of the To Be Signed text, TBS, when using Swedish BankID. TBS is the text that will be displayed in the BankID application when signing. This can be used to add information about the sender and a description of the agreement to the TBS. Only applicable if type is EID and country is SE . |
TBS Schema
"sender": "",
"description": ""
This can be used to add information about the sender and a description of the agreement to the TBS when using Swedish BankID. TBS is the text that will be displayed in the BankID application when signing.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
sender String |
This field is used to add information about the sender in the TBS. Limitation: Only 25 chars Allowed. |
description String |
This field is used to add a description in the TBS. Limitation: Only 400 chars Allowed. |
Identification Configuration Request Schema
"identificationConfigurations": [
"type": "SMS_OTP",
"identifier": "+999999999999"
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "1999999999"
Field descriptions
This schema is used to enable identification before review in the signing web flow.
Field | Description |
type String |
Type of identification. Possible Types: SMS_OTP : This method requires the party to identify using a One Time Password, OTP, sent by SMS.EID : This method requires the party to identify using Swedish BankID. |
country String |
Country of origin for the party, required if the field type is EID . Otherwise N/A. |
identifier String |
If type is EID this field can contain the Personal identity numberIf type is SMS_OTP , this field must contain the mobile phone number |
Identification Configuration Response Schema
"identificationConfigurations": [
"type": "SMS_OTP",
"identifier": "+999999999999"
"id": "",
"type": "EID",
"country": "SE",
"identifier": "1999999999"
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of the identification |
type String |
Type of identification. Possible Types: SMS_OTP : This method requires the party to identify using a One Time Password, OTP, sent by SMS.EID : This method requires the party to identify using Swedish BankID. |
country String |
Country of origin for the party, will be present if the field type is EID . Otherwise N/A. |
identifier String |
If type is EID this field can contain the Personal identity numberIf type is SMS_OTP , this field will contain the mobile phone number |
Notification Request Schema
"notifications": [
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
Caution: please read carefully as parties.notifications
may be manipulated by the system depending on the configuration.
Kindly go through the use cases carefully and create your request based on your business requirement.
Case 1: when not specifying notifications
Notifications will be sent for all events to the party's email address. In most cases a reasonable default. It simplifies your JSON payload too.
Case 2: notifications set to an empty array - []
No notifications will be sent at all (as requested). Can be used when you want to handle the communication with the party in your end.
Case 3: notifications.templateId is not set
Default templates will be used. When omitting notifications.templateId
you can still specify email locale to get the emails in the requested language (where supported).
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
type String Required |
The type of notification. Possible Types: READY_TO_SIGN : Notifies the parties that an agreement is awaiting signatures from one or more parties. A Notification includes a link to the agreement.SIGNED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been signed and is pending signatures from one or more parties.SIGNED_BY_ALL : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been closed (i.e. signed by all parties). A PDF version of the agreement is attached to this notification.REJECTED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been rejected by a party.REVOKED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been revoked from the creator’s side.EXPIRY_REMINDER : Notifies the parties that an agreement is about to expire (i.e. expireOn has been passed). By default, the notification will be sent one day before expireOn . This can be changed by configuring sendExpiryReminderOn for Agreement Configuration or Party Configuration.EXPIRED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been automatically expired.VIEWED : Notifies that an agreement has been viewed by the party. |
templateId String |
Customized notification template. Shall only be used when customized templates are setup together with Egreement support. Default template will be used if not configured |
locale String |
Locale for the configured template. Controls the language. |
timeZone String |
TimeZone for the configured template. Controls the date formatting. |
placeholders String |
Key-value pair that is used to fill the template placeholders. It is mandatory when you use any placeholders (i.e., namespace) in the template. All standard email templates have support for the message placeholder which can be used to send a custom message to the party. Placeholder values that are not provided will be rendered blank.Example: If you configured the template as, "Hi {{user}}, Agreement has been rejected by {{party}}" then, you shall send placeholders as, placeholders: {"user": "John Smith", "party": "Bob Adams"} Output will be "Hi John Smith, Agreement has been rejected by Bob Adams" |
attachPdf Boolean |
Applicable only if type is SIGNED_BY_ALL If set to true , the final PDF will be attached.If set to false , the PDF will not be attached.If it is not set or set to null , the request will check the account level configurations. If enabled, then the final PDF will be attached. If disabled, then the final PDF will not be attached. If not configured, then the final PDF will not be attached. |
recipients Array of Recipient |
Configuration of to whom the notification will be sent. |
Notification Response Schema
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of the notification |
type String |
The type of notification. Possible Types: READY_TO_SIGN : Notifies the parties that an agreement is awaiting signatures from one or more parties. A Notification includes a link to the agreement.SIGNED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been signed and is pending signatures from one or more parties.SIGNED_BY_ALL : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been closed (i.e. signed by all parties). A PDF version of the agreement is attached to this notification.REJECTED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been rejected by a party.REVOKED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been revoked from the creator’s side.EXPIRY_REMINDER : Notifies the parties that an agreement is about to expire (i.e. expireOn has been passed). By default, the notification will be sent one day before expireOn . This can be changed by configuring sendExpiryReminderOn for Agreement Configuration or Party Configuration.EXPIRED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been automatically expired.VIEWED : Notifies that an agreement has been viewed by the party. |
templateId String |
Customized notification template. Shall only be used when customized templates are setup together with Egreement support. Default template will be used if not configured |
locale String |
Locale for the configured template. Controls the language. |
timeZone String |
TimeZone for the configured template. Controls the date formatting. |
placeholders String |
Key-value pair that is used to fill the template placeholders. It is mandatory when you use any placeholders (i.e., namespace) in the template. All standard email templates have support for the message placeholder which can be used to send a custom message to the party. Placeholder values that are not provided will be rendered blank.Example: If you configured the template as, "Hi {{user}}, Agreement has been rejected by {{party}}" then, you shall send placeholders as, placeholders: {"user": "John Smith", "party": "Bob Adams"} Output will be "Hi John Smith, Agreement has been rejected by Bob Adams" |
attachPdf Boolean |
Applicable only if type is SIGNED_BY_ALL If set to true , the final PDF will be attached.If set to false , the PDF will not be attached.If it is not set or set to null , the request will check the account level configurations. If enabled, then the final PDF will be attached. If disabled, then the final PDF will not be attached. If not configured, then the final PDF will not be attached. |
sendOn String |
Only available if notification type is EXPIRY_REMINDER and if sendExpiryReminderOn is configured for Agreement Configuration or Party Configuration .Time at which the notification will be sent to recipients about agreement expiry. |
recipients Array of Recipient |
Configuration of to whom the notification will be sent. |
Recipient Request Schema
"recipients": [
"medium": "",
"address": ""
"medium": "",
"address": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
medium String Required |
Possible Types :EMAIL , SMS , WEBHOOK |
address String Required |
Address to which the notification shall be sent. Email address if medium is EMAIL .Mobile phone number if medium is SMS .URL if medium is WEBHOOK . |
Recipient Response Schema
"recipients": [
"medium": "",
"address": ""
"medium": "",
"address": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
medium String |
Possible Types :EMAIL , SMS , WEBHOOK |
address String |
Address to which the notification shall be sent. Email address if medium is EMAIL .Mobile phone number if medium is SMS .URL if medium is WEBHOOK . |
Party Notification Request Schema
"notifications": [
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
Caution: please read carefully as parties.notifications
may be manipulated by the system depending on the configuration.
Kindly go through the use cases carefully and create your request based on your business requirement.
Case 1: when not specifying notifications
Notifications will be sent for all events to the party's email address. In most cases a reasonable default. It simplifies your JSON payload too.
Case 2: notifications set to an empty array - []
No notifications will be sent at all (as requested). Can be used when you want to handle the communication with the party in your end.
Case 3: notifications.templateId is not set
Default templates will be used. When omitting notifications.templateId
you can still specify email locale to get the emails in the requested language (where supported).
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
type String Required |
The type of notification. Possible Types: READY_TO_SIGN : Notifies the parties that an agreement is awaiting signatures from one or more parties. A Notification includes a link to the agreement.SIGNED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been signed and is pending signatures from one or more parties.SIGNED_BY_ALL : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been closed (i.e. signed by all parties). A PDF version of the agreement is attached to this notification.REJECTED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been rejected by a party.REVOKED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been revoked from the creator’s side.EXPIRY_REMINDER : Notifies the parties that an agreement is about to expire (i.e. expireOn has been passed). By default, the notification will be sent one day before expireOn . This can be changed by configuring sendExpiryReminderOn for Agreement Configuration or Party Configuration.EXPIRED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been automatically expired.VIEWED : Notifies that an agreement has been viewed by the party. |
templateId String |
Customized notification template. Shall only be used when customized templates are setup together with Egreement support. Default template will be used if not configured |
locale String |
Locale for the configured template. Controls the language. |
timeZone String |
TimeZone for the configured template. Controls the date formatting. |
placeholders String |
Key-value pair that is used to fill the template placeholders. It is mandatory when you use any placeholders (i.e., namespace) in the template. All standard email templates have support for the message placeholder which can be used to send a custom message to the party. Placeholder values that are not provided will be rendered blank.Example: If you configured the template as, "Hi {{user}}, Agreement has been rejected by {{party}}" then, you shall send placeholders as, placeholders: {"user": "John Smith", "party": "Bob Adams"} Output will be "Hi John Smith, Agreement has been rejected by Bob Adams" |
attachPdf Boolean |
Applicable only if type is SIGNED_BY_ALL If set to true , the final PDF will be attached.If set to false , the PDF will not be attached.If it is not set or set to null , the request will check the account level configurations. If enabled, then the final PDF will be attached. If disabled, then the final PDF will not be attached. If not configured, then the final PDF will not be attached. |
recipients Array of Recipient |
Configuration of to whom the notification will be sent. |
Party Notification Response Schema
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of the notification |
type String |
The type of notification. Possible Types: READY_TO_SIGN : Notifies the parties that an agreement is awaiting signatures from one or more parties. A Notification includes a link to the agreement.SIGNED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been signed and is pending signatures from one or more parties.SIGNED_BY_ALL : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been closed (i.e. signed by all parties). A PDF version of the agreement is attached to this notification.REJECTED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been rejected by a party.REVOKED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been revoked from the creator’s side.EXPIRY_REMINDER : Notifies the parties that an agreement is about to expire (i.e. expireOn has been passed). By default, the notification will be sent one day before expireOn . This can be changed by configuring sendExpiryReminderOn for Agreement Configuration or Party Configuration.EXPIRED : Notifies the parties that an agreement has been automatically expired.VIEWED : Notifies that an agreement has been viewed by the party. |
templateId String |
Customized notification template. Shall only be used when customized templates are setup together with Egreement support. Default template will be used if not configured |
locale String |
Locale for the configured template. Controls the language. |
timeZone String |
TimeZone for the configured template. Controls the date formatting. |
placeholders String |
Key-value pair that is used to fill the template placeholders. It is mandatory when you use any placeholders (i.e., namespace) in the template. All standard email templates have support for the message placeholder which can be used to send a custom message to the party. Placeholder values that are not provided will be rendered blank.Example: If you configured the template as, "Hi {{user}}, Agreement has been rejected by {{party}}" then, you shall send placeholders as, placeholders: {"user": "John Smith", "party": "Bob Adams"} Output will be "Hi John Smith, Agreement has been rejected by Bob Adams" |
attachPdf Boolean |
Applicable only if type is SIGNED_BY_ALL If set to true , the final PDF will be attached.If set to false , the PDF will not be attached.If it is not set or set to null , the request will check the account level configurations. If enabled, then the final PDF will be attached. If disabled, then the final PDF will not be attached. If not configured, then the final PDF will not be attached. |
sendOn String |
Only available if notification type is EXPIRY_REMINDER and if sendExpiryReminderOn is configured for Agreement Configuration or Party Configuration .Time at which the notification will be sent to recipients about agreement expiry. |
recipients Array of Recipient |
Configuration of to whom the notification will be sent. |
Party Recipient Request Schema
"recipients": [
"medium": "",
"address": ""
"medium": "",
"address": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
medium String Required |
Possible Types :EMAIL , SMS |
address String Required |
Address to which the notification shall be sent. Email address if medium is EMAIL .Mobile phone number if medium is SMS . |
Party Recipient Response Schema
"recipients": [
"medium": "",
"address": ""
"medium": "",
"address": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
medium String |
Possible Types :EMAIL , SMS |
address String |
Address to which the notification shall be sent. Email address if medium is EMAIL .Mobile phone number if medium is SMS . |
Access Right Request Schema
"accessRights": [
"type": "GRANT_BY_ID",
"actorType": "user",
"actorId": "",
"action": "read"
"type": "GRANT_BY_NAME",
"actorType": "group",
"actorName": "HR",
"description": "Human resources",
"action": "read"
Granting the access to specific users and groups.
For convenience it is possible to refer to groups by name instead of ID. If the group name does not exist, the system will automatically create it.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
type String Required |
Possible Types:GRANT_BY_ID : Granting the access to the actor based on id. actorType is then used to refer actor.GRANT_BY_NAME : Granting the access to the actor based on Name. If the given name is not found the server will create an actor and grant access to the resource. Proper system role will be required for the group creation. |
actorType String Required |
Type of the entity to which the access is granted. Possible Types: user : Access will be granted to the entity type user. Not applicable if type is GRANT_BY_NAME group : Access will be granted to the entity type group (group of users)account : Access will be granted to the entity type account (all the users and groups of the account). Not applicable if type is GRANT_BY_NAME . |
description String |
Description of the group to set for a non-existent group. Only applicable when actorType is GRANT_BY_NAME . |
actorId String |
Id of the entity configured by actorType .Required if actorType is GRANT_BY_ID . |
action String Required |
Rights granted to the given actorId. Possible Types: read : actor will be able to read the created agreement (get/list)update : actor will be able to update/add parties/notifications/attachments/accessRights of the granted agreementdelete : actor will be able to delete agreement or parties/notifications/attachments/accessRights of the granted agreement |
Access Right Response Schema
"accessRights": [
"actorType": "user",
"actorId": "",
"actorName": "",
"action": "read"
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of the access rights |
actorType String |
Type of the entity to which the access is granted. Possible Types: user : Access is granted to the entity type user. group : Access is granted to the entity type group (group of users)account : Access is granted to the entity type account (all the users and groups of the account). |
actorId String |
Id of the entity configured by actorType . |
actorName String |
Name of the actor |
action String |
Rights granted to the given actorId .Possible Types: read : actor will be able to read the created agreement (get/list)update : actor will be able to update/add parties/notifications/attachments/accessRights of the granted agreementdelete : actor will be able to delete agreement or parties/notifications/attachments/accessRights of the granted agreement |
Return Link Schema
"links": [
"href": ""
"href": ""
"href": ""
Configuration of return URLs for the signing web flow.
When the user reviews and signs the agreement in the signing web flow there are different possible outcomes.
- The user might review and sign the agreement.
- There might be a failure when the user tries to sign the agreement.
- The user might reject the agreement.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
type String Required |
Possible Types:WEBFLOW_SIGNING_SUCCEEDED : Upon successful agreement signing, the party will be redirected to href .WEBFLOW_SIGNING_REJECTED : Upon agreement rejection, the party will be redirected to href .WEBFLOW_SIGNING_FAILED : Upon agreement signing being rejected (due to issues with their certificate for instance), the party will be redirected to href . |
href String Required |
URL of the web page/REST endpoint where the party will be redirected. href is always works in tandem with type . |
Webflow Link Schema
"links": [
"href": ""
A party can use it's webflow link to review the agreement and then sign or reject the agreement.
On Agreement creation, each party receives a mail with it's own unique link for the webflow.
When integrating with the Egreement Pro API, it is also possible to redirect the parties to the web flow directly by fetching the unique link for the party from the API.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
type String |
Possible Types:WEBFLOW_SIGNING |
href String |
Unique Webflow Link for the Party. |
Sign Request Schema
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"country": "",
"signedOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"personNumber": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Type | Description |
firstName String Required |
First name of the person signing the agreement | |
lastName String |
Last name of the person signing the agreement | |
country String |
Country code for the country of origin of the person signing the agreement | |
signedOn String |
Time when the agreement was signed | |
personNumber String |
Personal identity number of the person signing the agreement. Format is dependent on country |
email String |
Email address of the person signing the agreement | |
mobile String |
Mobile phone number of the person signing the agreement |
Signing Result Response Schema
"signingResult": {
"signingConfiguration": {}
This schema contains details about the signing.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
signingConfiguration Signing Configuration |
A copy of the signing configuration being used for signing the agreement. |
Rejection Result Response Schema
"rejectionResult": {
"reason": ""
This schema contains details about the rejection.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
reason String |
A reason for the agreement rejection. |
Agreement Update Request Schema
"expireOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"deleteOn": "20191002T094006Z"
Field descriptions
Field | Type | Description |
expireOn String |
Time at which the agreement will expire and no parties will be allowed to sign. Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z' Constraints: Time must always be in the future, after current expireOn and before deleteOn . |
deleteOn String |
Time at which the agreement will be automatically deleted from the system. Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z' Constraints: Time must always be in the future. Caution: Agreement can not be retrieved once it is deleted. All the data related to the agreement such as attached files, audit events,configurations etc will also be deleted from the system permanently. If you do not want the agreement to be deleted automatically, do not set any value for this field. |
Agreement Party Email Update Request Schema
"address": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
address String |
The new email address value for the Party |
Agreement Party Notification Recipients Update Request Schema
"medium": "",
"address": ""
"medium": "",
"address": ""
This schema contains an array of recipients. It replaces all recipients of the notification.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
medium String Required |
Possible Types :EMAIL , SMS |
address String Required |
Address to which the notification shall be sent. Email address if medium is EMAIL .Mobile phone number if medium is SMS . |
Agreement Party Notification Recipients Update Response Schema
"medium": "",
"address": ""
"medium": "",
"address": ""
This schema contains an array of recipients.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
medium String |
Possible Types :EMAIL , SMS |
address String |
Address to which the notification shall be sent. Email address if medium is EMAIL .Mobile phone number if medium is SMS . |
Agreement Party Update Response Schema
"id": "",
"title": "",
"state": "",
"createdOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"lastActivityOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"postedOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"closedOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"rejectedOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"revokedOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"expiredOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"expireOn": "20171001T094006Z",
"deleteOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"lastSignedOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"importedOn": "20191001T094006Z",
"parties": [
"id": "",
"type": "PRIVATE",
"state": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"id": "",
"type": "COMPANY",
"state": "",
"name": "",
"companyNumber": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"id": "",
"type": "MY_COMPANY",
"state": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"sharedWith": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of the agreement |
title String |
Title of the agreement |
state String |
State of agreement |
createdOn String |
Time at which the agreement created |
lastActivityOn String |
Time at which the last activity occurred on agreement |
postedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was sent (posted) to the stakeholders |
closedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was concluded (Signed by All) |
rejectedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was rejected |
revokedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was revoked |
expiredOn String |
Time at which the agreement was expired (expired due to the tender timeout period exceeded) |
expireOn String |
Time at which the agreement will expire and no parties will be allowed to sign. Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'. |
deleteOn String |
Time at which the agreement will be automatically deleted from the system. Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'. |
lastSignedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was last signed on |
importedOn String |
Time at which the agreement was imported |
parties Array of Party |
Parties added to be the signatories of the agreement. |
sharedWith String |
Status of how the agreement is shared with the stakeholders. |
Party Update Response Schema
"parties": [
"id": "",
"type": "PRIVATE",
"state": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"id": "",
"type": "COMPANY",
"state": "",
"name": "",
"companyNumber": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
"id": "",
"type": "MY_COMPANY",
"state": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"personNumber": "",
"country": "",
"signingOrder": 1,
"notifications": [
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"attachPdf": true,
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "EMAIL"
"id": "",
"type": "",
"templateId": "",
"locale": "",
"timeZone": "",
"placeholders": {},
"recipients": [
"address": "",
"medium": "SMS"
"links": [
"href": ""
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
id String |
UUID of the party |
type String |
Type of party. Possible Types: PRIVATE : a private person is a party.COMPANY : an organization is a party.MY_COMPANY : your company is a party.When MY_COMPANY is used as party, you can not send name ,companyNumber or country as part of the request. These details will be taken from the Account Configuration. |
state String |
State of the party |
firstName String |
First name of the person signing the agreement |
lastName String |
Last name of the person signing the agreement |
name String |
Name of the company will be present only if parties.type is COMPANY |
email String |
Email address of the party. |
mobile String |
Mobile phone number of the party. |
country String |
Country of origin for the party, will be present if the field personnumber is used. |
personNumber String |
Personal identity number of the person signing the agreement. Format is dependent on the field country . |
companyNumber String |
Organizational identity number for the company. Only applicable if parties.type of the party is COMPANY . |
signingOrder Integer |
Configuration of the order in which the parties can sign the agreement and posted/created email notifications will be sent. Order shall start from 1. If the value is not provided, it will be set to 1 and no signing order will be enforced. Example: An agreement with 3 parties X, Y and Z having the order 1, 2, 3 respectively. When the agreement is created the email notification will only be sent to the party X (having order 1). When party X signs the agreement, the posted email notification will be sent to party Y (having order 2) and the flow continues until the last party signs the agreement. One or more parties having the same signingOrder will result in a parallel scenario. In this case if 2 parties are having signingOrder 1, they both need to sign the agreement in order for the parties at signingOrder 2 to receive the notifications. |
notifications Array of Notification |
Notifications configured at the party level. |
links Array of Link |
Webflow Signing Url for the party |
Currently the API does not limit the number of transactions. Egreement recommends avoiding periodically polling the API and instead using a combination of Webhooks for callbacks and user driven API requests. If your network infrastructure does not allow the incoming network traffic from Webhooks you might be forced to use polling instead. In that case Egreement recommends keeping the polling interval as long as possible for your needs. Please contact Egreement Support if you need polling intervals shorter than 60 seconds.
Error handling
Example of error response
"errors": [
"id": "696e0fa0-04c1-11e8-a8f1-990f5e5f0294",
"code": "0010",
"title": "Ogiltigt attribut",
"detail": "may not be empty",
"source": {
"pointer": "/parties/0/firstName"
The Agreement Pro API V1 follows the JSON-API standard for Error Responses.
All the errors will be in below mentioned format and error handling can be simplified by checking the presence of “errors”.
Error field descriptions
Field | Type | Description |
id String |
A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. | |
code String |
An application-specific error code, expressed as a string value. | |
title String |
A short, human-readable summary of the problem. | |
detail String |
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. | |
source String |
An object containing references to the source of the error, optionally including any of the following members:pointer : a JSON Pointer RFC6901 to the associated entity in the request document [e.g. "/data" for a primary data object, or "/data/attributes/title" for a specific attribute].parameter : a string indicating which URI query parameter caused the error. |
Sometimes if the error is a generic one and not specific to any field source
field will not be part of the response.
Error codes
Below is a list of possible error codes and corresponding description
Error code | Generic description |
0001 | When attribute is not set |
0002 | When empty value is passed in attribute |
0003 | When incorrect value is passed in the attribute |
0004 | When invalid value is set in group |
0005 | When value is not valid Base64 |
0006 | When email is not valid |
0007 | When attribute value doesn't satisfy a particular pattern |
0008 | When incorrect value is passed in the attribute |
0009 | When locale is not valid |
0010 | When empty value is passed in attribute |
0011 | When request doesn't match the desired parameters |
0012 | When attribute value can not exceed particular value |
0013 | When attribute value can not be less than a particular value |
0014 | When date is not in the future |
0015 | When attribute value is not valid |
0016 | When invalid date search is requested |
0017 | When invalid date search is requested |
0018 | When date is not present |
0018 | When dates are not present |
0018 | When from date is not present |
0018 | When to date is not present |
0019 | When date is not in mentioned format |
0020 | When attachment value is not valid Base64 |
0021 | When attachment token value is not valid |
0022 | When attachment type is not valid |
0023 | When attachment values are not valid |
0083 | Must contain at least one of category AGREEMENT |
0024 | When signing configuration is incorrect |
0025 | When person number is incorrect |
0026 | When company number is incorrect |
0027 | When value or key of tag is invalid |
0027 | When tag key length is invalid |
0027 | When tag value length is invalid |
0027 | When tag value has leading or trailing spaces |
0027 | When tag key is invalid |
0027 | When tag value is invalid |
0027 | When max number of allowed tags is exceeded |
0028 | When attribute value is not a valid URL |
0029 | When person number is incorrect |
0030 | When more than one query filter is used |
0031 | When expression is invalid |
0032 | When signing values are incorrect |
0033 | When length exceed the mentioned length |
0034 | When notification medium is invalid |
0035 | When identification configuration is incorrect |
0036 | When size is not in defined range |
0037 | When party level webhook notification is present |
0038 | When too many webhook notifications of a particular notification type is used |
0039 | When trying to access a resource where access is not given |
0040 | When account is not authorized to use some of the features, eg. identification before review, the notification medium |
0041 | When notification recipient is not of same medium |
0042 | When sendOn value is invalid |
0043 | When expireOn value is invalid |
0044 | When operation is not allowed, see documentation for details |
0045 | When attribute value is not valid |
0046 | When SMS OTP is incorrect |
0047 | When party level notification type is invalid |
0048 | When identification provider is not allowed by system |
0049 | When signing order is incorrect |
0050 | Logo file is not having valid context |
0051 | Logo file is not having valid mime type |
0052 | Logo file size is not valid |
0053 | Logo file is not valid image |
0054 | Logo file image dimension is not valid |
0055 | When agreement is not in the required state to perform the operation |
0056 | When number of required signature count is more than number of signatories |
0057 | When same identifier are present in another signing configuration |
0058 | When expiry reminder date is not less than the expiry date |
0059 | When ID is not a version 1 UUID |
0060 | When color code is not in valid HEX format |
0061 | When 'actorType' is account and 'actorId' is not current user's account ID (access rights) |
0062 | When file name is not valid |
0063 | When time zone is not valid |
0064 | When CONTAINER configuration is not valid |
0065 | When language configuration is not valid |
0066 | When attribute has leading or trailing whitespace(s) |
0067 | When involved objects are not fulfilling the required condition, see documentation and check objects |
0070 | When account has configured identification before review feature as mandatory and is missing in request |
4301 | When JSON is incorrect |
4302 | When invitation is not marked as accepted |
4303 | When user is already identified |
4304 | When unrecognized property is supplied |
4305 | When invalid JSON 'type' |
4306 | When invalid 'type' identifier |
4401 | When JWT is not valid |
4401 | When user is not authenticated |
4401 | When auth token is invalid |
4403 | When unauthorized resource is requested |
4404 | When requested resource can't be found |
4405 | When HTTP method is not allowed |
4412 | When If-Match header is missing or has an incorrect value |
4901 | When redirect URL is not valid |
5001 | When user already exists |
5002 | When user cannot be deleted from same user logged in context |
5003 | When group already exists |
5004 | When configuration type already exists |
5005 | When some of the configurations are duplicate |
5006 | When company number is incorrect |
5007 | When template already exists |
5008 | When different email used while accepting invitation |
5009 | When identity provider is not acceptable for invitation |
9999 | When some unexpected error occurs |
Date | Change description |
2025-02-11 | Download Attachment added |
2025-02-11 | category is added in Attachment |
2024-02-07 | Fetch Party Notification added |
2024-02-07 | Update Party Notification Recipients added |
2024-02-07 | Delete Party Notification added |
2023-09-28 | Qualified Electronic Signature added |
2023-08-28 | Notification locales enhanced with newly supported locales |
2023-06-12 | Webhook retry clarifications added |
2022-10-18 | Notify Agreement Party added |
2022-06-02 | Danish localization support in Notifications added |
2022-04-28 | Danish EID added |
2022-03-02 | Update Agreement added |
2020-12-16 | Time zone support for Container and Notifications added |
2020-11-23 | Finnish EID added |
2020-08-11 | Error Codes updates |
2020-01-09 | Whitespace(s) clarification |
2019-08-16 | sendExpiryReminderOn is added in Agreement Configuration & Party Configuration |
2019-06-04 | Signature methods is added |
2019-04-16 | Agreement Configuration is added |
2019-04-16 | Party Configuration is added |
2019-04-16 | Identification Configuration is added |
2019-02-07 | Notification Types are added |
2018-11-08 | RejectionResult added in Party |
2018-10-11 | SigningResult added in Party |
2018-10-11 | Description added to AccessRights |
2018-10-11 | Delete agreement added |
2018-10-11 | Custom email and SMS templates added Configuration of attachments in emails added |
2018-07-17 | Configure TBS added Webhooks added |
2018-06-22 | API Signature method added |
2018-05-31 | Access rights updated Draw signature method added |
2018-05-10 | Automatic delete added Click signature method added |
2018-04-27 | Template support added |
2018-03-22 | Language support for notifications added Callback links for webflow added |
2018-02-30 | Added List Agreement |
2018-01-30 | Initial version of Egreement Pro API |